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Creighton University Online Ministries Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer Epiphany Week - Second Week of Christmas: Jan. 2-8, 2021 |
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Epiphany Week - Second Week of ChristmasOn Sunday, January 2, parts of the world will celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, although some countries will celebrate it on Thursday, January 6. The Epiphany celebrates the light that has come into the darkness of the world and that our salvation was made known to the Gentiles. In countries not celebrating Epiphany, the Second Sunday of Christmas is celebrated, with the beginning of John's Gospel and its poetic images of light and the Word. In the U.S., Tuesday is the Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, and Wednesday the Memorial of Saint John Neumann, Bishop. In the week that follows the Epiphany we continue with more of the beautiful first readings from the First Letter of John. He wants us to believe the message: we are from God and are loved by God and “whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love.” The Gospels this week are from all four gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We read of Jesus traveling through Galilee “teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, and curing every disease and illness among the people.” He feeds loaves and fishes to the hungry and exhorts his disciples, “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!” when they are caught in a storm at sea. When he reads from the scriptures at the synagogue, he proclaims, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” When a leper begs for healing, Jesus says, "“I do will it. Be made clean.” On Saturday, John tells his followers he is not the Christ. “He must increase; I must decrease.” Sunday is the Baptism of the Lord. We hear the Lord say in the first reading from Isaiah, “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit.” Those words are echoed in the reading from Luke's Gospel, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” This feast marks the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of Ordinary Time on the Church calendar. |
Daily Prayer This WeekThis week is a time with two special Sundays book-ending the week. Both celebrations offer an “epiphany,” an understanding and insight into the essence of who Jesus really is. When the Wise Men visit the poorest of families and find the baby Jesus, they have a clearer idea of what kind of king he will be. At the Baptism of the Lord the following Sunday, Jesus is baptized and the skies open and the voice of God proclaims, “You are my beloved Son.” More than just a prophet, this special relationship with God is made manifest in that moment. How can we make this week a special one as the Christmas season draws to a close? In some parts of the world daylight is plentiful right now, but for many of us the days are short and the dark of night surrounds us many hours each day. This could be the week to reflect on that darkness and the light that Jesus brings into our hearts. Each morning as our feet touch the floor next to our beds, we can open our hands briefly in the darkness and ask God to show us the light in our lives. Gratitude is a wonderful way to pray and to recognize the light we sometimes don't notice in our lives. Maybe in this final week of Christmas, we can light a candle at dinner and remember a special blessing we have been given or something we are grateful for in our lives. Dear
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