this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples, The
web that is woven over all nations; |
Creighton University Online Ministries |
The Third Week of Advent The Third Sunday of Advent repeats an Isaiah
reading from earlier in the week, filled with
promise, healing and a hope for our longing: "Then will the lame leap like a stag, then the
tongue of the mute will sing.... They will meet
with joy and gladness, sorrow and mourning will
flee." In Matthew's Gospel, John the Baptist
hears of Jesus' work and sends a message to his
cousin: "Are you the one who is to come, or
should we look for another?" Jesus replies that his Monday is the Memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in the Americas. Tuesday is the Memorial of Saint Lucy, virgin and martyr. Wednesday is the Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church. We continue to focus on the first readings in this first part of Advent. From the Book of Numbers, we have the proclamation that "a star shall advance from Jacob..." Zephaniah is the prophet of impending doom, if the people don't abandon their idolatry. But this week we read about consoling healing, "on that day," when the Lord comes. Isaiah's message is full of promise: "Turn to me and be safe ... for I am God; there is no other!" "Fear not, you shall not be put to shame ... with great tenderness I will take you back ... My love shall never leave you." Gospels are chosen to show Jesus as the fulfillment of these promises: his question to the Pharisees who challenge his authority; the parable of the two sons; the Baptizer's question about whether Jesus is the promised one; the fulfillment Jesus points to; Jesus' praise of John the Baptist; Jesus points to his works as his testimony. Saturday is December 17th, which begins the second part of Advent. In these last eight days of Advent the focus returns to the gospels with stories from Jesus' family in the time before he was born. In Matthew's gospel, we read the genealogy, the list of Jesus' ancestors. Joseph decides to divorce the pregnant Mary until an angel appears to him in a dream, saying, "It is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her." On the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we read in Matthew's Gospel about Joseph and his decision to divorce the pregnant Mary. An angel comes to Joseph: "Do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her." |
Daily Prayer This Week:This third week of Advent, our daily
prayer continues to allow us to become
much more concrete about naming our
desires and preparing the way for the
Lord. We begin this week with joy, For some of us, the great grace will be to
ask that expectant hope - and the joy that
this can bring - will fill our hearts and
replace whatever is heavy or dark or sad
there. We can only let our Lord bring
good news to us in our own poverty, if
we acknowledge that we are poor in
some ways. He can only proclaim liberty
and release to us if we can admit that we
are captives and prisoners to so many This is a week of recognizing ourselves, and recognizing our need for a Savior - a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas. We can only turn to our God and trust in the safety we find accepting our God as the only god of our lives, if we first can name the place in which we are in danger from the choices we are making. We can surrender our fear of being put to shame by humbly coming face to face with the un-humble person we can sometimes be. The depths of gratitude and joy come when we can experience the tenderness with which our Lord keeps taking us back. This is a wonderful week to examine our
consciences as we let our daily, prayerfilled
background moments interact with
some of the places in our daily lives in
which we discover the need for mercy and peace. Wherever we encounter some
experience of darkness or fear, some
struggle with faith or hope, some
discouragement about my own
generosity or freedom, it is there that we
have an opportunity to pause, in the
briefest way and pray, "Come, Lord |