January 28, 2017
by Eileen Wirth
Creighton University's Journalism, Media and Computing (Retired)
click here for photo and information about the writer

Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Lectionary: 322

Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19
Luke 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75
Mark 4:21-25

Praying Ordinary Time

“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.”


When Fr. James Martin S.J. took a job as a corporate accountant for General Electric because that’s what graduates of Wharton Business College did, he was miserable. One night on TV, he happened to catch a show about Thomas Merton, the great Trappist writer. To his surprise, it spoke deeply to him -- his first inkling of a call that eventually led him to the Jesuits.

Fr. Martin describes this road in his book, In Good Company. I highly recommend it not only as a great read but also as an illustration of the message of today’s reading from Hebrews: “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” The story should resonate with those who have struggled with following a prompting of the spirit that they neither expected nor understand.

In mind’s eye, I also envision the many students who came seeking guidance about what path in life to take. Usually they wanted to be certain that they would make the right decision – as if there were a single right decision! They had to take some things on faith and hope.

As a result of their Jesuit education, many students were no longer satisfied with just the prospect of making money. They often envisioned a future quite different than the one they had as freshmen. Much like Abraham, they felt they were entering dangerous territory and they were scared. Happily I could tell them stories of students who had found wonderful lives by following the promptings of the spirit.

Now in retirement, I’m learning that we are never too late to receive challenging promptings from the spirit – to take the risk to find new ways to live as women and men for and with others. But we at least stand on a foundation we’ve built over life.  Students can feel they are jumping off a cliff into the unknown. Special blessings and good wishes to seniors heading into their momentous final semesters! 

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