Oct. 27, 1943 My dear Jim: Surely glad to get your small letter this a.m. Still too busy to do much reading or writing. It is good of you to see Miss Semple & God will bless you for your clarity. although you did not get much out of your victory garden you had The night spirit + did your duty. Marie & Itter are both better after had colds The musem, project is moving along slowly but Surely. have bought the property & expect a wrecking company to go to work soon knowing what is left of the old burned bldg. Franco is safe at home with his mistress. Wish I could have kept him as he was good company. Love to Nettie, Ruth & family & Yourself- John OCT 27 -4-P.M 1943 BUY WAR SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS Mr. James Markoe 1937 Selby Ave. St. Paul Minn.