Das illustrierte Fabelbuch, Band II: Katalog illustrierter Fabelausgaben 1461-1990
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Book, Whole
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Especially this second volume has been a constant companion and help to me. Three years ago in 2009 I had the privilege of visiting the Metzner fable collection in the family's quarters. The family was gracious enough to let me see and enjoy it. What a pleasure! There I saw many of these books and many that I had come to love in our own collection. The bibliographical work here is meticulous and thus very helpful. It is a regular joy to see how exactly a volume of mine matches up with the description, and it is a challenge when I find things in my volumes that seem to veer from the description here. I have made a few corrections in my extra copy, but I doubt that there will ever be a revised or new edition. There are about 900 editions presented here. The three indices -- writer, artist, and publisher -- make finding a book easy. I was not aware that this two-volume work had won an award for being among the most beautiful books in Germany. It certainly would have got my vote! Six years later I found a cleaner copy available from Antiquariaat der Rabe and had it sent straight to Omaha. It is the good copy, and I will continue to work with the one I found in Hamburg. The original price was DM 485 or $260.
Maximilian-Gesellschaft; Wolfgang Metzner Verlag