Fables de Jean de la Fontaine, Tome Second
Collot, André
La Fontaine, Jean de
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
Here is the second volume of Collot's work, which I am particularly delighted to find! As is usual in France, I believe, the second volume of a numbered work does not carry a number. The cover shows a multicolored illustration of a shepherdess with a lamb in an outdoor setting with a church and trees in the background. She looks off left. This is again an impressive piece of work. The frontispiece of La Fontaine in the first volume had him standing. Here he sits in a rustic setting, but he is surrounded not by animals, as regularly, but by several human figures. The second volume continues the fine artistic work of the first. This book is in better condition than either of those comprising the first volume of the set. The image facing 64 is particularly fine for illustrating The Acorn and the Pumpkin. Again, the illustration for Les Deux Rats on 85 is classic Collot. The illustration for TT facing 96 represents better than many the attitude of the humans that leads the turtle to break his silence. Perhaps my favorite in this whole lovely volume faces 100: the wolf looks on in the darkness to see a lamb being roasted by the shepherds. The color of the scene is concentrated on the human diners and their dog. As for humans, perhaps the book's best illustration faces 124. The human beats his old dog, while a woman walks off in indignation. For sheer simplicity, enjoy The Two Goats facing 146. I have seldom seen the Horse Kicking the Wolf done as well as it is here facing 172. Bodemann remarks that the illustrations express a romantic, melancholy mood. Bodemann counts forty-four illustrations in the two volumes. There are thus about twenty illustrations on the 188 pages here. Many are full-page, while others introduce a fable. There is an AI at the back. Printed on vélin chiffon du marais.
La Belle Édition