Genetic Testing in Insurance Underwriting: A Blessing or a Curse - An Examination of the Tension between Economics and Equity in Using Genetic Testing in Risk Classification
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Anderson, Marcelita C.
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Journal Article
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INTRODUCTION|The Human Genome Project ("HGP") is a federally funded program established for the purpose of mapping and sequencing all human genes. The dramatic genetic advances resulting from the HGP have given rise to hope of finding additional approaches to the prevention and cure of diseases. However, these same advances also lead to ethical problems relating to right to privacy and discrimination. Some of the deepest fears of society relate to the confidentiality of genetic test results and to the discriminatory effect of genetic testing on the issuance of insurance. Moreover, physicians also fear that stigmatization, which would undoubtedly accompany denial of insurance coverage, would prevent individuals from seeking early diagnosis and treatment, thereby aggravating the existing problem of escalating health care costs and uninsurability in the United States...
25 Creighton L. Rev. 1499 (1991-1992)
Creighton University School of Law