Chester Chest Simulator
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Model enables clinicians and others to develop competence with three of the most common types of long-term vascular access routes within one simple, compact, and portable training aid. The right chest area is provided with a prepositioned, surgically placed central catheter. The subcutaneous tunnel is visible up to and just over the clavicle. The Dacron Cuff is also discernable. The catheter's distal end is preattached to a "blood" reservoir bag enabling the clinician to demonstrate blood withdrawals, heparinization, and infusion techniques. The left chest area is a five-piece unit consisting of: Chest Tissue Flap made of specially formulated material that duplicates the feel of human tissue which, when placed over the chest port, provides a realistic practice of palpating and accessing, with proper access of the port being confirmed by a “blood” withdrawal -- A real implanted port under the chest tissue flap -- A rigid underlying surface with molded ribs and a recessed area for the interchangeable inserts -- Difficult Accessing Inserts which are made of a soft tissue-like material and placed either under or over the port to simulate palpating and accessing a port with one of the following placements: normal, “tipping”, “wandering” or deeply placed. The detachable right arm contains a peripherally placed central catheter. The arm is in a rotated and extended position, enabling easy access. Both the cephalic and basilic veins are slightly raised for easy identification, with the long arm catheter exiting from the basilic vein. Mounted on a base. Includes user's information guide. MD137