In the Land of Make Believe: Fairy Tales, Folktales, Legends, Fables, Children's Stories and Disney Depicted on Postage Stamps of the World
Cartier, Karen
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
Here is a helpful book. I look forward to working with it to find those fable stamps of which I am not yet aware. In several chapters, this book lists countries alphabetically and then the stamps done in each country that bear on the subject of the chapter. As the insert clarifies, there are chapters on Fairy Tales, Legends, Folktales; Fairy Tale, Legend, and Folktale Characters; Children's TV Shows; Cartoons and Comics; Children's Poems/Rhymes/Songs; Children's Books; Postal Stationery; and Disney. In the first chapter, I find fable stamps listed for Belgium, Burundi, Ciskei, Dahomey, France, Greece, Hungary, Monaco, New Caledonia, Niger, North Korea, San Marino, Syria, Thailand, Vietnam, and Zambia. The four colored pages illustrating various stamps and inserted between 64 and 65 offer a special treat. The extensive AI, also in the insert, is helpful with its references for Aesop and La Fontaine. Cartier stops along the way to tell a number of the stories associated with stamps, including several fables, like OF (19), The Stag and the Lion (24), and The Swallow and the Serpent (57).
American Topical Association