Reflection for Saturday, August 6, 2022: The Transfiguration of the Lord.

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Morse, Ed

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|Today's readings accompany the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord.  Jesus' three closest companions, Peter, James, and John, accompany him in climbing a mountain to find a place to pray.   Peter, James, and John are "overcome by sleep," dozing off until they awaken to wonders in their midst.  This was no dream.  Moses and Elijah are conversing with Jesus, each of them in a glorified state.|Peter awkwardly responds by offering to make three tents for them.  That was not going to happen, as they are in a remote place without the proper materials and implements.  Just as we sometimes do, Peter started talking before his brain had engaged, presumably to give himself time to think.  Afterwards, he probably exclaimed "Doh!" or something similar in his language. A voice disrupts their collective stupor, saying "This is my chosen Son; listen to him." Peter fell silent in response, and he apparently stopped talking for a while afterwards.  Listening is hard to do when you are talking, especially when you try them simultaneously.|This encounter with the divine mystery filled a reservoir of faith to nourish and encourage Peter, James, and John in the troubling days to come.  One can imagine that our Lord was also encouraged and strengthened by conversing with Elijah and Moses about "his exodus that he [Jesus] was going to accomplish in Jerusalem."  Indeed, Jesus would also lead many to freedom from the bondage of our sins through his passion, another mystery which was yet to unfold in Jerusalem.|In the second reading, Peter relates his eyewitness account of our Lord's transfiguration -- a real event and not some clever myth.  But Peter also recognizes that the foundation for this reality extended beyond his own sensory perception at a particular point in time.  His faith was nurtured by prophetic utterances and events of the past, which helped him to contextualize the mystery.  Daniel's prophetic mystery surely puzzled many throughout the ages, but Peter was privileged to see new insights on a particular day, and probably beyond as he reflected back upon the events he saw and experienced with our Lord.|Our faith depends on revelation of the divine mystery of God, who draws us into this mystery.  The wonders of the created world testify to a Creator, kindling a desire to pay homage to the One who created, even though we do not yet know him. The light of truth is revealed little by little throughout a long history of encounters and events, revealing still more, until God himself comes to us through His Son.    |Few of us are privileged to have firsthand experiences with miraculous events.  But the faithful retelling of these events help to draw us deeper into the divine mystery, which continues to be revealed as we live out a relationship with God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – our father, our brother, and our helper – through the Church and with the help of the sacraments.  As we continue to sojourn here, sustained by these good gifts, we also await the day when we become eyewitnesses ourselves, seeing our Lord face to face and beholding the goodness that God has prepared for those who love him.  (See 1 Cor. 2:9).|Lord, draw us to yourself and sustain our faith, helping us to know that you have not left the Earth without witnesses to your glory, love, and mercy.  We pray especially for those who have lost their way, who need a touch from you.  Thanks be to God.




University Ministry, Creighton University.


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