The Role of Industrial Recreation in Omaha-Based Firms
Blaylock, Joseph V.
Issue Date
1970 , 1970
Omaha, Nebraska—History , Nebraska--History
Alternative Title
To avoid misconceptions of the basic concept and terminology to be used a definition is presented here. "Indus- trial recreation is the term used to describe those recreation activities which are provided to satisfy the particular needs and desires of employees of business and industrial firms. The term 'industrial recreation' and 'employee recreation' are used synonymously." The definition shows that an athletic orientation is not the only basis for a recreation program as is often thought. In fact, athletics could be a small part of a successful program if the needs and desires of the employees are mainly nonathletic.
Although the subject matter does not enjoy much popularity among present day business topical content, it is an important consideration. Perhaps the reason for the lack of popularity is due to the fact that industrial recreation is not a new concept. "Recreation designed to meet the needs of employees of a given concern or industry has existed in one form or another since the middle of the nineteenth century." The nature of work and society's concern for business's responsibility when this concept was introduced are barely compatible with today's world. This aspect in and by itself is one segment of the rationale behind this paper. Increased leisure time and the current emphasis on the social responsibility of business indicate the need for renewed interest by those concerned. Apathy is a strong force which must be fought on every front from the individual to the conglomerate.
Creighton University
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