Country Mouse and City Mouse: A Fable of Aesop Set for Piano
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There are nine pieces for the piano here to express the phases of TMCM, as the beginning T of C makes clear. They include Country Mouse, City Mouse, Phooey!, Come with Me, Sssh! Quiet, Fiesta, Help!, Scamper!, and You Can Have It. I notice that there is a suggestion just above the first staff for each piece except the very short Scamper! These are, respectively, with a hop, with a slight strut, disgusted, gracious, on the alert, with great fun, with alarm, and disgusted. The pieces here tend to be shorter than in the other pamphlets of this series that I have seen. Each piece--again excepting Scamper!--has a full-page black-and-white illustration. The pieces are wordless, but there are a couple of prose lines before each song. In this version, people and dogs enter the dining room simultaneously. The City Mouse wears a monocle. The last page features a picture of Raphael Valerio below a printed signature.
Camu Press