Summary of 1998 LB 204 Change Registration Duties and Provide for Disclosure and Release of Certain Records Relating to Sex Offenders
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FIRST PARAGRAPH(S)|As passed, Legislative Bill 204 requires the Nebraska State Patrol and any state law enforcement agency designated by the State Patrol to release relevant information that is necessary to protect the public from a registered sex offender. The State Patrol is required to adopt rules and regulations for the release of such information.|The rules and regulations shall identify and incorporate factors relevant to a sex offender's risk of recidivism. If the risk of recidivism by a sex offender is low, then only the law enforcement agencies likely to encounter the sex offender shall be notified. If the risk is moderate, then the law enforcement agencies likely to encounter the sex offender - as well as schools, daycare centers, and religious and youth organizations - shall be notified. If the risk is high, then the aforesaid as well as all persons likely to encounter the sex offender shall be notified...
32 Creighton L. Rev. 497 (1998-1999)
Creighton University School of Law