A Little Tale of the Fox & the Stork
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Messik, Marilyn
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Here is a lovely little pamphlet that is one of a set of three. Eight pages, 4" x 4". This version of FS starts with Freddy the fox stealing a chicken and making a delicious stew out of it. Cyril the stork happened to pay a visit as the stew was simmering. Cyril smelled the stew and wondered what was cooking. Freddy tried to shut the door but Cyril would not go away. Eager to enjoy his stew, Freddy invited Cyril in. "As he did, he had an idea, although it wasn't a very nice idea." Freddy served the stew on large flat plates. Cyril went away hungry, but first he had invited Freddy for the next evening's dinner. Cyril made a great fish stew but served it in a tall narrow container. "He did, of course, have a plate for when he had guests but he chose not to mention that to Freddy." "Always behave towards others as you'd like them to behave towards you!" Lovely color work! Madpac offers some matching fabric items for babies, like a swaddle.
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