Le Lièvre et la Tortue: Fable de La Fontaine
La Fontaine, Jean de
Laramée, Ghislaine
Issue Date
Alternative Title
The chief features of this twelve-page large-format (8" x 11½") pamphlet are the prose rendition of the fable through the book, climaxed by La Fontaine's poetic version on the last page, and Romain Simon's delightful art work. Though this is the twentieth book in the collection that is illustrated by Simon, it seems not to repeat the art from any of the other publications. The front cover -- repeated on 11 -- shows the hare reaching the goal and rejoicing while the frantic rabbit is arriving into the picture. The telling of the fable here follows La Fontaine's slightly different version which has the hare waiting at the starting point of the race, sure that he can begin and win whenever he wants. Perhaps the pamphlet's best image is the large centerfold of the lounging hare. This pamphlet approaches its fable slightly differently from others in this series. Small segments of La Fontaine's verse appear on every page, while larger prose segments break it open for younger listeners. This pamphlet is produced one year later than some others in the series, and features a slightly different heading on its cover: "une fable de La Fontaine" instead of "fable de la Fontaine." Culled from the library of École St-Romain and Académie Langlois in Quebec. I have four of the set of six in the set.