Fables de la Fontaine N°2
Alternative Title
"This beautiful paperbound booklet is nearly identical with another in the collection. Its key difference is that Pellerin seems to update the copyright for every printing. In any case, both the cover and the rear colophon page here give a date of 1985, whereas that other copy in both places has 1982. This copy also rearranges the three elements on the two sides of that last page. Again two black-and-white illustrations bracket fifteen full-page colored illustrations. TH (14) is not only one of the liveliest illustrations. It is also the same illustration found on a Pellerin table plate in the collection (https://www.creighton.edu/aesop/artifacts/tableware/specifickindsoftableware/plates/societefrancaisedeporcelaine/). I am also familiar with the Pellerin illustration used here for "Le Corbeau Voulant Imiter l'Aigle" (17). The special attraction of Pellerin illustrations has something to do, I believe, with large areas of strong, bright, simple colors. The cover presents GA in the human fashion so frequent in the French tradition, but I do not think I have seen this rendition before."
Imagerie Pellerin