Chinese Fables Remembered
Kurita, Miwa
Matsutani, Miyoko
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
Originally published in Japan by Hoshinowakai. In The Brothers and the Birds, a kind younger brother, thrown out of the home by his older brother, is taken by some grateful birds to a land of gold, with which he fills his shoes and is satisfied. The older brother puts himself in a position where the birds will do the same for him, but he brings along three large bags, which he fills with gold. The birds are not able to carry him home. He plummets to earth and is never heard from again. I would say that the magic bird-transport of the human being moves this story into the fairy-tale category. The second story, The Two Rooster Friends, may not work for us. A conceited purple rooster more than once gets himself into trouble taking on tasks he cannot do. When a duck asks him why he jumped into a river when he did not know how to swim, the purple rooster decides never again to wander away from his home. I miss the wit of this tale. This book originally belonged to the Queens Borough Public Library, Jamaica, NY.
Heian International
Heian: Stone Bridge Press
Heian: Stone Bridge Press