Creighton University Magazine Summer 2019
Alternative Title
JESUIT GARDENS|A Creighton photojournalism student spent his final semester on an internship in Rome — and got a front seat to the Vatican and Pope Francis. Page 8.
BIG QUESTION|An assistant physics professor tackles the question “Is time travel possible?” in the context of the Hollywood blockbuster Avengers: Endgame. Page 16.
DIALOGUE|Two students — one a cancer survivor — have collaborated on a book to help those touched by cancer. Page 18.
REMEMBERING ONE OF THE GREATS, HENRY LYNCH, MD|Founder and director of Creighton’s Hereditary Cancer Center, Henry Lynch, MD, was a legendary international pioneer in cancer genetics. Page 26.
SWITCHING GEARS|A passion for cycling and the law has led two-time Creighton graduate Megan Hottman to a legal career representing bicyclists and advocacy for safer cycling. Page 28.
FEELS GOOD TO GIVE BACK|Once a month, Creighton medical students in Phoenix drive four hours into Mexico to volunteer at a medical clinic founded by a Creighton alumnus and his wife. Page 32.
SOARING, FLYING WITH BILLY BLUEJAY|Dental graduate Nathan Hansen for four years changed the persona of the University’s beloved mascot with backflips, handstands, high-flying aerial acts and more. Page 36.
BREAKING DOWN BIASES|In a philosophy class taught by Amy Wendling, PhD, Creighton students visited a correctional facility to ponder philosophical questions with incarcerated youth — and find they have a lot in common. Page 40.
IMPACT|A study being conducted at the Financial Hope Collaborative is determining if education to reduce financial stress can improve health. Page 44.
CREIGHTON CONVERSATIONS|Provost Tom Murray, PhD, discusses what Creighton’s move to national status through the new classification as a Doctoral/Professional University means. Page 56.
BIG QUESTION|An assistant physics professor tackles the question “Is time travel possible?” in the context of the Hollywood blockbuster Avengers: Endgame. Page 16.
DIALOGUE|Two students — one a cancer survivor — have collaborated on a book to help those touched by cancer. Page 18.
REMEMBERING ONE OF THE GREATS, HENRY LYNCH, MD|Founder and director of Creighton’s Hereditary Cancer Center, Henry Lynch, MD, was a legendary international pioneer in cancer genetics. Page 26.
SWITCHING GEARS|A passion for cycling and the law has led two-time Creighton graduate Megan Hottman to a legal career representing bicyclists and advocacy for safer cycling. Page 28.
FEELS GOOD TO GIVE BACK|Once a month, Creighton medical students in Phoenix drive four hours into Mexico to volunteer at a medical clinic founded by a Creighton alumnus and his wife. Page 32.
SOARING, FLYING WITH BILLY BLUEJAY|Dental graduate Nathan Hansen for four years changed the persona of the University’s beloved mascot with backflips, handstands, high-flying aerial acts and more. Page 36.
BREAKING DOWN BIASES|In a philosophy class taught by Amy Wendling, PhD, Creighton students visited a correctional facility to ponder philosophical questions with incarcerated youth — and find they have a lot in common. Page 40.
IMPACT|A study being conducted at the Financial Hope Collaborative is determining if education to reduce financial stress can improve health. Page 44.
CREIGHTON CONVERSATIONS|Provost Tom Murray, PhD, discusses what Creighton’s move to national status through the new classification as a Doctoral/Professional University means. Page 56.
Creighton University