State v. Burlison Redefines the Malice Requirement: Now What - A Dialogue on Nebraska's Evolving Homicide Law
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Shugrue, Richard E.
Snowden, John R.
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Journal Article
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FIRST PARAGRAPH(S)|Professor Richard E. Shugrue ("RES") of Creighton University School of Law, and Professor John R. Snowden ("JRS") of the University of Nebraska College of Law, met at Creighton University on a Friday in mid-September, 1998, where the following dialogue occurred. This dialogue took place less than a month after the Nebraska Supreme Court's decision in State v. Burlison, which overruled the line of cases requiring the presence of malice in second degree murder prosecutions. The purpose of this dialogue was to examine the homicide doctrine as it had evolved over the years and to explore some unanswered questions which will inevitably face the Nebraska Supreme Court in the future. What follows is an edited version of that dialogue, to which essential references have been added|John, I'm very happy to welcome you to Creighton University to discuss a subject in which we have both been interested as teachers and scholars...
32 Creighton L. Rev. 645 (1998-1999)
Creighton University School of Law