It's Quite True!: A Story about Telling Tales
Albee, Sarah
Andersen, H. C
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
This book's story is not a known fable, but it approaches a fable in its simplicity, even though it goes through a number of steps. The story moves from a chance comment made by a hen over one feather of hers that falls. The comment is overheard and misunderstood. I still look pretty with the feathers I have left! A neighbor understands her to plan to pluck out all her feathers and comments that she thinks she will look better that way. An owl overhears, elaborates, and comments. Soon the report is that several hens plucked out their feathers and caught a terrible chill. Before long there are supposedly ten to twenty hens who have been rushed to the hospital with a terrible disease! At this point the visual artists' best contribution occurs as one hen has to fan another who lies overwhelmed by this news. In the end the original hens read a newspaper report that sixty hens plucked out all their feathers to try to look more stylish and came down with a dreadful disease. A story can change each time it is told.
Reader's Digest Young Families