The Twilight Hour: Legends, Fables and Fairy Tales from all over the world
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Koenig, Marion
Stanovský, Vladislav
Vladislav, Jan
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Book, Whole
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©1961 by Artia. In each of twelve parts there are fifteen selections. Often the second, third, or fourth selection in each part is a fable. Here is a listing of those not otherwise noteworthy: The Camel and the Ant (14); The Crow and the Fox (16; not the traditional FC); The Raven that cheated the Snake (53); The Monkey and the Lentil (55); The Cunning Fox and the even more Cunning Cock (137; Chanticleer); The Lion, the Wolf, the Jackal, the Raven and the Camel (246; from KD); The Carpenter and the Monkey (248); The Sinful Donkey (331); The Wolf, the Fox and the Otter (333); The Hare, the Quail and the Clever Tom-cat (368); The Clever Donkey (399); The Monkey and the Tortoise (402); The Three Fishes (405); The Tiger, the Cat and a Man's Strength (442); The Little Man who wanted to grow Tall (444); and How the Mice went to War with the Mosquitoes (445). The Lobster and the Crow (15) is like FC: flattery gets the crow to open his mouth and release the lobster. In The Wolf and the Stag (96) the bear recommends to the wolf freed by the stag Let us go back and show me just how it happened, as usually in the story of the Brahmin and the tiger. Here the stag finally says he cannot for the third time today lift the tree that has again pinned the wolf. In The Stupid Wolf and the Cunning Hare (133), the hairy ends of corn cobs in baby hares' mouths seem to the stupid wolf to be tails of wolves which these baby hares have just eaten! In The Clever Tom-cat and the Foolish Monkeys (135), the cat directs the bothersome monkeys to a bell which is really a wasps' nest. I do not understand The Weaver and the Ploughman (138). The Leopard, the Elephant and the Goats (205), a very good fable, is new to me: when the outraged father leopard asks who killed his son and hears that it was an elephant, he considers for a moment and then decides that the goats must have done it!. The Hare and the Tortoise (249) is not our traditional TH. The Mouse and the Elephant (370) is the traditional LM. Not a fable but lovely is The Mother who Lost her only Son (30). T of C at the end.
Paul Hamlyn