A History of the Omaha Public School System 1859 - 1933
Holland, Kathryn Margaret A.B.
Issue Date
1933 , 1933
Omaha, Nebraska—History , Education , Nebraska--History
Alternative Title
The problem in this thesis is to record the history of the growth and development of the Omaha Public School System from its inception in 1859 to the close of the school year of 1932-1933.|The sources from which were gathered the data contained in this thesis include the following:|1 The several histories of the city of Omaha and of the State of Nebraska which furnished the general backgrounds and brief accounts of events in the pioneer period, particularly the events which transpired between 1859 and 1870.|2 The Board Records of the Board of Education from 1869 to 1933, and the Annual Reports of the Board of Education from 1884-1914.|3 The files of the various newspapers published in|Omaha between 1863 and 1933.|4 Magazine articles describing several important educational policies and features of the Omaha Public School System.|5 Personal interviews with several pioneer teachers and also with several well known elderly residents of the city who, during their childhood, attended the public schools of Omaha.|6 Letters written by a resident of another town who was during his boyhood a pupil in the pioneer schools of the city.
Creighton University
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