Fables Choisies
No Author
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Book, Whole
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This book has the same cover as a softbound book by the same publisher, but where that has Série 76/3 and a design of GA on its back cover, this hardbound book has Série 80/3 and three colored scenes: The Father and His Sons, The Crow with Peacock Feathers, and The Mule Carrying a Relic. That book had 48 continuously paginated pages. This has one set of 16 pages set inside another, specifically between 8 and 9. This copy has no title-page. The images are signed J.G. but without a title-page there is no indication that J. Gouppy is the artist. There are three types of art in this book 8 x 11½ in size. There is a large colored cameo on the front cover. Signed Maury, it is a sentimental picture of a child as the milkmaid whose pitcher has broken. The eight colored pages by Gouppy are all here; they again combine different irregularly-shaped panels illustrating various fables. One (the first 8) combines The Worker and His Sons, The Ass Carrying Relics, and BF. Two of these pages are placed together at the centerfold of the book. The best of these full-page colored illustrations is perhaps the combination on the first 9 of WL and The Horse and the Donkey. These colored illustrations are simple but lively. Every fable has at least one simple appropriate one-colored design. Among the better designs are those picturing the coachman with the fly on his nose (16) and OR (1), Several others that I liked particularly in the other edition are not here. This particular Buchinist searched for me, but I was lucky enough to find this book myself.
Editions Hemma