Fables of Aesop and Others Translated into English with Instructive Applications and a Print Before Each Fable
Croxall, Samuel (translator)
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
This book seems to be an earlier edition of what Bodemann describes under #107.6. That book has Mozley for a publisher in 1819 in Derby; this book locates him in Gainsborough some fifteen years earlier. The only discrepancy I can find from Bodemann's description lies in the vignette on the title-page, which she describes as DS. I see a water-scene but can find no dog! As she points out, the edition has 329 pages for its 196 fables (as do my 11th and 17th editions). The illustrations here mirror-reverse the subjects in Kirkall's illustrations. Some (e.g., CJ on 1) keep Kirkall's pattern of a landscape oval within a rectangle. Others (e.g., WL on 3) change to a rectangular form with ornamentation around the upper half of its borders. These latter illustrations in particular are much simpler and even cruder than Kirkall's. The book is a handy, calfbound edition with slight damage to the bottom of the spine. The frontispiece is by Burnet and engraved by Scott. This copy has a fancier title (Aesop's Fables) above CJ on 1 than does the parallel edition I have from the same publisher in 1807. The cuts are also much stronger in this edition. The format is familiar from earlier Croxall editions: dedication, preface (vii-xvii), and AI (xviii-xxiv) at the beginning. Then the fables, each with a cut and a long application. At the rear there is an index of important subjects handled in the applications. Where earlier editions of mine with the Kirkall illustrations numbered their editions, this book proclaims only A New Edition, Carefully Revised and Improved. Inscribed in 1808.
Printed for J. Brambles A. Meggitt, and J. Waters, by H. Mozley, Gainsborough,