Aesop's Fables: New Series: Books for the Bairns.-XXVI
No Author
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
The front cover is detached, and the back cover is lacking. There are eighty-six fables on 56 pages (65-120), preceded by a T of C and followed by numerous advertisements. According to the cover, the First Series of Aesop's Fables appeared as No. 1 of Books for the Bairns. I had heard of the series often enough to be very curious, and so I snapped up three of their volumes as soon as I saw them available. Brinsley le Fanu does a good job of conveying enough information in his sketches, two to four per single page. A good example of his use of them to provide three distinct moments in a story might be The Negro; or, You may Kill the Man, but You Cannot Change His Skin (105). An excellent point of presentation lies in the fables' frequent sub-titles beginning with or. Thus the first fable is titled The Pedlar's Ass; or, The Dodger Outdodged. These second titles offer good perspective on the fables. Other good sub-titles include The Lion's Kingdom; or, Only in Peace Have the Weak Any Chance (78); The Fawn and Its Mother; or, The Instinct of Self-Preservation (84); The Old Lion; or, The Coward's Kick (110); and The Fox and the Hedgehog; or, There Is No Trouble So Bad But There May Be a Worse (119). The typesetter worked very hard to make sure that no fable here ran over onto another page. This kind of booklet is really ephemera, and I am delighted to have found a copy at all.
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