Fables de La Fontaine: Édition annotée a l'usage de la jeunesse
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Book, Whole
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I think I have just made a discovery. I thought I was ordering yet another copy of a book I have four times over. I bought it to see how the hand-colored illustrations would turn out in yet another copy. That experiment worked, for L'Enfant et le Maitre d'Ecole (19), for example, is indeed different in detail from the other four copies. But there is an additional surprise here. All four of those copies were published by Théodore Lefèvre, Éditeur. This copy is published by Librairie Théodore Lefèvre et Émile Guérin. Elsewhere I have guessed that Guérin joined the operation between 1881 and 1901. Otherwise this copy seems identical with those four. Let me note the exceptions to this general declaration. The title-page has a TL insignia, as in two of the four. Its last page has 8372-87 Corbeil. Typ, et Ster. Crété. None of the other four have this combination of elements. I wrote earlier Perhaps someday having this copy at hand will help someone comparing various printings of the same book. For me the difference in hand-painting of the nine illustrations is fascinating! The illustrations include: Enfant et le maitre d'ecole (19), L'Astrologue qui se laisse tomber dans un puits (39), MSA (41), Le Berger et la mer (59), TB (a favorite of mine, 101), MM (133), L'Ours et l'amateur des jardins (159), Le Gland et la citrouille (190), and Le Vieillard et les trois jeunes hommes (241). The illustrations, printed on only one side of the page, are carefully inserted so that they refer to the text facing them. There is an AI at the back.
Librairie de Théodore Lefèvre & Émile Guérin