Conviction and Sentencing in the Fourth Judicial District of Nebraska
Issue Date
Journal Article
Alternative Title
The following two articles analyze various aspects of conviction and sentencing of felonies in Douglas County, Nebraska. Emphasis was placed on the effects of pretrial release on bail and how plea bargaining affects sentencing. Both writers used the same methodology and, with exceptions noted below, the same population. Hawkinson focused on the effect of pretrial release on conviction and sentencing. Kulig emphasized plea bargaining and discussed other factors affecting sentencing. However, many of the major topics were discussed by both writers. In order to eliminate redundancy and to present the primary themes clearly, the articles have been combined. Where a topic discussed by one writer was more fully analyzed by the other writer, only the more complete analysis was presented. The methodology explanation which follows applies to both articles.
The following two articles analyze various aspects of conviction and sentencing of felonies in Douglas County, Nebraska. Emphasis was placed on the effects of pretrial release on bail and how plea bargaining affects sentencing. Both writers used the same methodology and, with exceptions noted below, the same population. Hawkinson focused on the effect of pretrial release on conviction and sentencing. Kulig emphasized plea bargaining and discussed other factors affecting sentencing. However, many of the major topics were discussed by both writers. In order to eliminate redundancy and to present the primary themes clearly, the articles have been combined. Where a topic discussed by one writer was more fully analyzed by the other writer, only the more complete analysis was presented. The methodology explanation which follows applies to both articles.
8 Creighton L. Rev. 923(1974-1975)
Creighton University School of Law