Online Retreat- Week 11

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Alexander, Andy, S.J.
Waldron, Maureen McCann

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The Invitation of Love - Our Response|Guide: Offering Ourselves Completely|This week we consider our response to the invitation of love. Through last week's exercise, we know that the depth of our response depends on the depth of our love for the person making the invitation. When a loved one calls for our response, we say yes. Even when we know the personal cost to us will be great, we respond because love always draws us to togetherness. We want to be with the one we love.|This week we will let our hearts respond to the call of Jesus. We can review his call from last week's guide. It is the call to join him in the unfolding of the reign of God. It is different for each of us. We have different gifts. Different graces have been placed in our hearts. Unique crises and experiences of suffering have shaped our unique ability to be compassionate and to suffer with others. There are special aspects of the call that are addressed to each of us, according to our age and our resources and abilities to influence others. We want to hear the call as it is addressed to us individually. For all of us, however, the invitation and opportunity to respond is the same. Of course, we will respond by saying yes. There is no real happiness in life that doesn't involve following Jesus. The question for this week is the depth of our response - how completely we respond. We do not know all that our yes will entail this year or next year or ten years from now.|Readings:|1. I'll Go: Send Me (Isaiah 6:1-8)|2. What Gift Can Ever Repay God's Gift to Me? (Psalm 116)|3. Be Happy That Your Names are Written in Heaven (Luke 10:1-8; 17-21)|4. Do You Love Me More Than the Others Do? (John 21:15-19)|5. We Ask in His Name to Be Drawn to Him (Peter Van Breeman, S.J.)|Prayers:|1. A Prayer to Begin Each Day|2. I Am Ready...I Accept (Charles de Foucould)|3. Eternal Lord of All Things (St. Ignatius of Loyola)|4. A Meditation (Cardinal Newman)|5. A Simple Prayer (Traditional Prayer, Often Attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi)




Creighton University, Online Ministries





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