Online Retreat - Week 8
Alexander, Andy, S.J.
Waldron, Maureen McCann
Issue Date
Alternative Title
God's Love for Us - Forgiving Mercy|Guide: How God Must Rejoice|This week we will walk around in God's love for us. We want to taste - to fully enjoy - the forgiveness that is God's gift to us.|Though we have been trying to end each reflection on sinfulness with the reality of God's mercy, during this week we will try to let God's merciful forgiveness fill the background of our entire week.|We begin by focusing on God. The photo of a mother's embrace of her daughter will inspire us throughout this week to keep our focus on God. This woman's face will help us to begin to imagine the powerful depth of God's embrace of us.|Readings:|1. This man told me everything I had ever done (John 4:3-42)|2. All I know is that I used to be blind but now I can see (John 9:1-3)|3. I'm not going to accuse you either. You may go now, but don't sin anymore (John 8:3-11)|4. I will heal their defections, I will love them freely, for my wrath is turned away from them (Hosea 14:1-10)|5. We should be glad and celebrate (Luke 15:11-32)|6. The Lord has promised: your sorrow has ended and you can celebrate (Zephaniah 3:11-20)|Prayers:|1. A Prayer to Begin Each Day|2. Unlock the Door of My Heart (Guerrillas of Grace by Ted Loder)|3. Soul of Christ, Sanctify Me|4. He has remembered his Promise of Mercy (Mary's song of Praise in Luke)|5. Prayer of Thanksgiving (The Sacrement of Reconciliation)
Creighton University, Online Ministries