Creighton University Window Spring 1985
Sketch, Michael H.
Kizer, William M.
Doll, Donald A., S. J.
Kline, Stephen T.
Issue Date
Magazine Article
Heart Disease , Boyle, Michael , Angioplasty , Wellness , Holy Land , Magee, Donal
Alternative Title
FIGHTING HEART DISEASE: A CHOICE: BYPASS OR ANGIOPLASTY / FOR HIM, ANGIOPLASTY IS AFFAIR OF THE HEART | Cardiologist Dr. Michael Sketch explains angioplasty and Omaha Mayor Mike Boyle describes his encounter with death and the angioplasty on his own heart. Page 4.
WELLNESS AND THE WORKPLACE: CAN FITNESS THRIVE FROM 8 TO 5? / WORKSITE WELLNESS IS A WAY OF LIFE HERE | Creighton alumnus and Wellness Council of the Midlands founder William Kizer has made his own company an example of wellness commitment. Page 12.
THE HOLY-LAND: SHEEP STILL GRAZE / FR. DON DOLL'S EASTER CARD FROM THE HOLY LAND | Creighton's Rev. Don Doll, S.J., brings you a special Easter card: His photographs of the Holy Land today, the Way of the Cross. Page 16.
DONAL MAGEE: OXFORD AND BUZZ BOMBS TRAINED HIM / DONAL MAGEE: IRISH SOUL, TOUGH MIND, SOFT HEART | Writer Steve Kline talks with outspoken, intellectually tough, Ireland-rooted Donal Magee, a man of convictions and causes. Page 22.
WELLNESS AND THE WORKPLACE: CAN FITNESS THRIVE FROM 8 TO 5? / WORKSITE WELLNESS IS A WAY OF LIFE HERE | Creighton alumnus and Wellness Council of the Midlands founder William Kizer has made his own company an example of wellness commitment. Page 12.
THE HOLY-LAND: SHEEP STILL GRAZE / FR. DON DOLL'S EASTER CARD FROM THE HOLY LAND | Creighton's Rev. Don Doll, S.J., brings you a special Easter card: His photographs of the Holy Land today, the Way of the Cross. Page 16.
DONAL MAGEE: OXFORD AND BUZZ BOMBS TRAINED HIM / DONAL MAGEE: IRISH SOUL, TOUGH MIND, SOFT HEART | Writer Steve Kline talks with outspoken, intellectually tough, Ireland-rooted Donal Magee, a man of convictions and causes. Page 22.
Creighton University