Fablio der Zauberer: Der Löwe und die Schnake
Text nach einem Film von Georges de la Grandière; Nacherzählt nach der Fabel von La Fontaine
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Book, Whole
Alternative Title
The Fablio series of six books was done in French, Dutch, English, and German. Here is my second volume in German. It covers a story that I already have in French. It is 48 pages long and features "Aesop," "Phedre," and "La Fontaine" on the endpapers. The covers are laminated color pictorial boards. As I wrote in my comment on the French version, the story starts with "Bzz," a mosquito enjoying springtime. He is due for a final rehearsal of a symphonic orchestra that he directs. His rehearsal is distracted by one musician playing flat and a cleaning lady doing her chores. Maestro Bzz seems to make his own posters and post them himself for the upcoming performance. Everybody comes except (and now we finally approach the fable) the lion, who is off camping for the weekend. Bzz goes to him personally to deliver a poster. The fable then proceeds as it does in La Fontaine. At this point, the book moves to a German version of La Fontaine's fable, picturing Bzz and the lion. It actually then repeats this version on a single page.
Zyklo-Verlag AG