Wise & Otherwise: Fables, Myths, Fairy Tales and Other Jolly Nonsense
Otte, Elmer
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
The title continues Fun To Be A Kid Again. The back cover aptly describes the eleven stories here as Delightful, Whimsical Award-Winning Fairy Tales To Charm Any Kid Of Any Lively Age. Of Otte it says He sees and writes this silly and sweet, all mixed up with the naughty and neat. I read the first two stories. Otte's special gift, I believe, lies in playing with words. His first tale -- Walter Walter From Fiddle, D.D. -- is a good one of unexpected reversal in a small town in Switzerland. The town lazybones is snookered by a clever grandpa into leading the great parade of local fiddlers with his fifenflute. The fun for me comes in expressions along the way, like Cousin George across the gorge, Uncle Dunkel with his yellow cello, and dimple dumplings popular throughout Dinkelhorn. The story's last sentence climaxes with the hero, Walter Walter, playing ever-so-joyfully, on his what-does-it-matter horn (6). The second, A Golden Zipper For A Kangaroo's Pouch, climaxes, I believe, when the kangaroos learn that Christopher, who had wiggled out of a baby-sitting kangaroo's too-loose pouch, had since become the top kangaroo at the Kalamazoo Zoo (11).
Folklore House