Reflection for Friday, October 18, 2013: St. Luke, Evangelist.
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Shadle Cusic, Marcia
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Today, October 18th is the Feast Day of St. Luke, Patron Saint of Physicians, surgeons, artists, students and I read butchers too! Each year, Creighton's School of Medicine, participates in a White Mass honoring the Patron Saint of Physicians. Luke was from Syria and I can't help but wonder what Luke might be doing if he were living today in Syria- most likely trying to provide medical care and comfort.||The Readings again today, are a reminder of the strength, courage and wisdom we are blessed with if we journey with God in our daily lives. "Your friends made known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your Kingdom." We can come to know God through the "God experiences" others share with us ... and then go on to have our own "God Stories". I think the Psalm, especially today, encourages us to recognize God moving in our lives and to then share, with others, how God has impacted our lives. As a disciple of Paul, Luke surely heard Paul's conversion story (s).||The Gospel tells the story of 72 people being sent out to share their stories and experiences of God, realizing that there were far more than 72 people they would encounter! 'The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few" The Gospel message today simply encourages us to share our stories with others, which glorifies the Lord but can also lead others to know God and experience conversion in their own lives, and in their own words/ experiences. The Gospel ends with a statement of Hope and inclusion to all. "The Kingdom of God is at hand for you."
University Ministry, Creighton University.
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