Rosinante's Sallies: Animal Fables for Adults
No Author
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Book, Whole
Alternative Title
Here is the paperbound version of the hardbound book I have listed under 2008. This turns out to be a print upon demand book, with the tell-tale date on the last page of May 5, 2012. I can find no other differences. Let me repeat my remarks from there. I have read the first three of these animal stories and found them engaging. Yes, Rosinante turns out to be Don Quixote's old nag. The fascination here, as far as I can tell, lies in Netzel's ability to get into the animals' experience and to approach human experience as the animals would perceive it. Each story seems also to open up a good question. In the first story, Peaceful, a young eaglet, tries to convince his mother that there is a kind of ethics not about being the stronger, but she will not have it. The debate goes on even into the next generation. The second story reports a Virgin Birth by a Komodo Dragon, who starts to eat her young but is interrupted in the process. The Komodo Dragon offspring grow up, curious about family life; they see monkey parents interacting with each other and their children and press the questions, especially Why? The answers seem irrelevant to them, so they eat the mother monkey and several of her young. Then they start to eat each other. . . . The third story concerns an Armageddon for cats. It all takes place in the home of an old cat-collecting woman who has let things get out of hand. Now she faces a demand to disperse the cats she has collected. Instead, the old woman torches the house with herself inside it. Two highly refined cats, Patty Persian and Susie Siamese, are the last to leave and thank their lucky stars that they survive!