To Whom Do I Pray?
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Alexander, Andy, S.J.
Waldron, Maureen McCann
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Text from the first three paragraphs of "To Whom do I Pray?"|This may sound like an odd question, but it is an important one. This tip is simply an encouragement to consider to whom I'm praying and to experiment with different types of praying.|The classic definition of prayer reminds us that there are four types of prayer: praise, thanksgiving, petition, and contrition. When we think of the times we turn to God, this is a pretty good definition. Yet, as we grow in our relationship with God, we probably would nuance the lines between these four types of prayer. If prayer is relationship, then we can talk about a whole variety of types of prayer that are the stuff of ordinary relationships. I can imagine a type of prayer that is simply sharing with God what has gone on in my day. I can spend time just listening to God's love for me in the powerful or tender words of one of the prophets. Or, at difficult times, I might turn to God to express anger, doubt, confusion or fear.|To make this all the more wonderful, I can turn to different Persons when I pray to God. Depending upon the feeling or movement within me, and the grace I desire, I can turn to God very differently. God's creation of the world; the Incarnation; the life, death, resurrection and gift of the Spirit - these mysteries give us access to great depth and texture in our relationship with God.
Creighton University, Online Ministries
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