Fortieth Annual Report of Creighton Memorial St. Joseph's Hospital Omaha,Nebraska For The Year Ending December 31,1919.
Creighton Memorial St. Joseph's Hospital
Issue Date
Creighton Memorial Saint Joseph Hospital , Creighton Memorial Saint Joseph Hospital -- Annual Report , Nebraska -- Omaha -- Hospitals
Alternative Title
The Creighton Memorial, St. Joseph's Hospital, is the direct result of a bequest of $50,000 left, by Mrs. John A. Creighton, who died September 30, 1888. This was the nucleus of a hospital fund, which w,as augmented by her husband, the Honorable Count John A. Creighton. The building and grounds represent at present an out- lay of over $750,000.|The hospital is located at Tenth and Castellar Streets. It has a fronting of 470 fret, three wings running back 160 feet. It is four stories in height, the basement being above ground. The location is perfect for hospital purposes, and is sufficiently removed from the business part of the city, about one and one-half miles, to be free from its noises and dust, yet possessing all its advantages. It may be reached from the Union and Burlington stations by boarding a Farnam car, marked Bancroft or Riverview.|The Training School for Nurses completing its third year of existence has grown steadily year by year, and is one of the greatest assets of the institution. The lectures are given by the Instructors of the Creighton College of Medicine, with which the hospital is affiliated.
Omaha: Burkley Envelope and Printing Company