Fables Choisies de J.-P. Claris de Florian, Premiere & Deuxième Série

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Barboutau, P.

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Book, Whole



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This collection previously possessed two versions of Barboutau's Florian in two volumes, but both of those are in regular book form, with illustrations spanning two pages. This volume's format for the same fables and illustrations is different. This is a landscape-formatted book about 14" x 10" with undivided illustrations on its right-hand pages. Left-hand pages are left for text and accompanying designs. All pages have double paper. Either of the two volumes is "bound" separately. "Bound" here means tied together with a cord. Similarly, the pair of volumes is bound to the hard cover with cords. The cover is illustrated by a beautifully-clad Japanese woman holding a sign indicating "Fables de Florian." What material is this cover, probably described as "boards," made from? Both volumes claim a limited deluxe edition of 190. As the seller indicates, we assume that we have a regular copy. Bodemann seems unaware of this format. Both #375.1 and #375.2 seem to be in the format of our two earlier sets. Choosing best illustrations here is difficult. "The Phoenix" would be mine in the first volume and "Les deux Paysans et le Nuage" and "Le Paon, les deux Oisons et le Plongeon" in the second. Let me list the fables in each volume. First volume: "L'Aveugle et le Paralytique"; "La Coquette et l'Abeille"; "Le Chat et le Miroir"; "Le Jeune Homme et le Vieillard"; "La Taupe et les Lapins"; "Le Rossignol et le Prince"; "Le Singe Qui Montre la Laterne Magique"; "La Carpe et les Carpillons"; "Le Grillon"; "Le Phénix"; "Le Sanglier et les Rossignols"; "Le Dervis, le Corneille et le Faucon"; "Le Milan et le Pigeon"; and "Les Deux Chats." Second volume: "Les deux Chauves"; "L'Enfant et le Miroir"; "Le Lapin et la Sarcelle"; "Les deux Paysans et le Nuage"; "Le Hibou et le Pigeon"; "Le Charlatan": "L'Avare et son Fils"; "Le Paon, les deux Oisons et le Plongeon"; "Les deux Voyageurs"; "Les Enfants et les Perdreaux"; "Le Paysan et la Rivière"; "Le Vieux Arbre et le Jardinier"; "Le Philosophe et le Chat-Huant"; and "La Guenon, le Singe et la Noix."




Librairie Marpon & Flammarion





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