Les Fables de la Fontaine mises en scène par Dedieu: Le Lièvre et la Tortue et Autres Fables
No Author
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
Here is one of those little surprises for a book collector. In 2008 Seuil published this book, apparently without a title-page. The cover was the closest thing to a title-page, and the cover read: Livre II: Les Fables de la Fontaine mises en scène par Dedieu. Now there is a title-page, and both on the title-page and on the cover the title has changed to Les Fables de la Fontaine mises en scène par Dedieu. Livre II is gone. The cover now adds a sub-title: Le Lièvre et la Tortue et Autres Fables. The year of publication is one year later. The earlier version included bibliographical material on the back cover. This material has been removed from there in this later version and put onto the new last page created by freeing an endpaper at the back as at the front. Might one conjecture that a first and second isolated Dedieu fable pop-up book did so well that a series was suddenly planned, and numbering the various members of the series became too tricky? Would it not be easier to identify them rather by specifying the first fable? As I wrote earlier, this book contains six exquisite pop-ups: TH, OR, The Fox and the Goat, The Heron, FS, and WL. Dedieu's special gift is to create depth by getting four or five layers into the pop-up picture. Among his best efforts is The Fox and the Goat, which gives a goat's-eye-view of the fox appearing at the top of the well. In each case, the fable text is presented on the left and the right of the central pop-up picture. Exquisite work!