Der Drohn
Göhringer, Armin
Issue Date
Alternative Title
This is one of the more curious objects in the collection. It is a leporello. The term leporello, AbeBooks tells us, "refers to printed material folded into an accordion-pleat style. Also sometimes known as a concertina fold, it is a method of parallel folding with the folds alternating between front and back." The bookseller's description includes this after the title: "Eine Fabel. Gestaltung, Bild und Text. Als komplexes Leporello gefaltet, mit ganzseitigen farbigen Illustr. Gedruckt in 1200 Exemplaren. Mit Orig.-Schuber." An explanatory page again calls it a fable but then immediately refers to it as a "Märchen." The boxed object here is a large piece of heavy white cardboard folded several times over to create seven pages of dense text, followed by a colophon page. If we turn the last page of the accordion, we are facing a new accordion of strong colored images, some of them with apertures looking through to gray images behind them. The explanatory page gives suggestions as to the meaning of various colors: red is for love, yellow for the queen, red-brown for the drone, and blue for power. The first paragraphs of the text begin description of an unusual occurrence in a bee colony, witnessed by a drone. That is as far as I got. The "Schuber" is a sturdy cardboard slipcase to protect this leporello.