ASEAN: Today and Tomorrow
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Sandhu, Kernial
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BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE|Director of the Southeast Asian Studies Institute since 1972, Dr. Kernial holds degrees from the University of Malaya, University of British Columbia, and the Univeristy of London. He has published numerous books on Malaysia, Japan, and ASEAN. The Institute he directs is unique in promoting research on this region of the world. In this capacity Dr. Kernial regularly comes the the US to represent his region in conferences and symposia.
SUMMARY| Dr. Sandhu did a brief "commercial" about his Institute followed by a brief history and overview of ASEAN. He was especially helpful in analyzing the sources of tension among members of this group: differences in governments, levels of developments, development priorities and strategies, colonial inheritance, as well as in how to deal with post-Vietnam war world: the PRC, USSR penetration, repeated confrontations between these two players and also with the US. He gave a sermon on the need for the US to get over its "Vietnam syndrome" He then deftly analyzed Japan and her potential role in Asia, Vietnam's psychological as well as economic problems in moving from "liberator" to "occupier", and ASEAN's need for and openness to outside capital.
SUMMARY| Dr. Sandhu did a brief "commercial" about his Institute followed by a brief history and overview of ASEAN. He was especially helpful in analyzing the sources of tension among members of this group: differences in governments, levels of developments, development priorities and strategies, colonial inheritance, as well as in how to deal with post-Vietnam war world: the PRC, USSR penetration, repeated confrontations between these two players and also with the US. He gave a sermon on the need for the US to get over its "Vietnam syndrome" He then deftly analyzed Japan and her potential role in Asia, Vietnam's psychological as well as economic problems in moving from "liberator" to "occupier", and ASEAN's need for and openness to outside capital.