The Conceptual Basis, Methodology and Effectiveness of Sensitivity Training
Dienstbier, Daniel L.
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This report was prepared as a curriculum requirement for the MBA degree at The Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. Specifically, this report fulfills the student requirement relating to Independent Study and Research (MBA-299). It was written under the direction of Dr. G. E. Gleason, Associate Professor of Management and Marketing. | The first three chapters of this study are essentially descriptive in nature with specific emphasis on analysis of the conceptual basis and methodology associated with sensitivity training. Although Chapters One through Three could perhaps be labeled as elementary knowledge, they were prepared as a necessary prelude to the remainder of this report which is directed towards a general appraisal of research efforts regarding the validity (and its measurability) of sensitivity training as a developmental tool for improving the human relations skills of businessmen. Thus, the various chapters are complementary in nature as they, in total, provide the means for a unified treatment of the topic under consideration. | The scope of this report is limited to a discussion of the conceptual basis, methodology and effectiveness of sensitivity training. Furthermore, it was written under the assumption that its readers would possess a certain degree of understanding relative to laboratory education. Only under these circumstances can a report of this nature effectively deal with an educational concept as multi-faceted as sensitivity training.
Creighton University
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