Good Words (Magazine) for 1868
No Author
Issue Date
Book, Whole
Alternative Title
As Abbey writes, the fable articles here precede and are different from their first appearance in book form a year later. For it was then that Ralston published the first edition of Krilof and His Fables. See my comments on the third (1871) and fourth (1883) editions. The book smells of its many years! The three fable articles are on 39-46, including six illustrations on 40-41; 215-221, including six illustrations on 216-17; and 413-20, including six illustrations on 416-17. These are magazine articles. They comment on Krilof's views and particularly on Russian foibles. Thus one prose text after another is integrated into the article. In the book, there will be, after a preface and a memoir, a simple collection of texts. In fact, the selection of Krilof fables within the article here is excellent, and the author puts them into a good cultural and political context. At least some of the illustrations are the same as those in the third edition.. The texts are close to those found in the published books. It makes sense to see the texts in the magazine here as forerunners of those fable texts there. I presume that Ralston had opportunity to edit and amend between his magazine articles and his book's first edition. The publisher of the magazine is of course the publisher of the third edition that I have. The print is minuscule! I needed a magnifying glass for normal reading. The index just after 774 assigns J.B. Zwecker and A.B. Houghton as illustrators for the eighteen illustrations in the three fable articles. Dalziel, Houghton, and Zwecker are the names I can make out on the illustrations. Dalziel is not mentioned on the title page, but there is reference to others.
Alexander Strahan and Co.
Strahan & Co, Magazine Publishers
Strahan & Co, Magazine Publishers