Novus Candidatus Rhetoricae

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The fuller title includes the following: Altero se candidior comptiorque, non Aphthonii solum Progymnasmata ornatius concinnata; sed Tullianæ etiam Rhetoricæ Præcepta clarius explicata repræsentans Studiosis Eloquentiæ Candidatis. Accessit nunc primùm Dissertatio de Panegyrico, Auctore P. Francisco Pomey, e Societate Jesu. This book seems to represent an updating and amplification of the Candidatus Rhetoricae of which I have a copy from perhaps 1645. It seems to lack the Greek that one could find in the earlier book. As I wrote there, the book seems to be a Jesuit collegium text in rhetoric following the Progymnasmata of Aphthonius. If one works from the back of the book, there is still present an apparently independent 48-page work, Angelus Pacis by Nicolas Caussini (Latinized name), S.J. The title-page for this is exactly the same as the title-page for the whole present work, with only the bottom few lines changed to indicate not Antonius Molin in Lyon in 1706 but Wilhem Friessem and and Joannes Everardus Fromart in Cologne in 1706. The next element includes two statements of royal privilege. Previous to that, after 418, is first a T of C titled Index Titulorum and then an AI titled Index Rerum. The newly expanded and attributed Pars III is Franciscus Pomey's Dissertation on the Panegyric covering 343-418; in the earlier edition it had simply been titled De Panegyrico seu Laudatione. Did Pomey amplify the previous classroom material offered by an anonymous teacher and writer? Pars II remains Rhetoricae Praecepta and runs from 133-312. Pars I runs through six chapters touching fable and narration, and covers, respectively: fable (8-23), narration, chria, sententia, thesis, and a combination of locus communis, destructio, and confirmatio. The fable section seems to remain the same. After the famous Greek definition of Theion done into Latin ( sermo falsus veritatem effingens ), the author distinguishes rational (human) and moral (animal) fables, with mixed fables including both. He holds that the sense of the fable generally needs to be expressed; otherwise people often miss the point of a fable. His Latin for promythium is praefabulatio, for epimythium affabulatio. After describing the qualities and uses of fables, the author presents some nine fables that exemplify various levels of style, twice telling the same stories on two levels (WL and FC). The last example is of the florid style: The Silkworm and the Spider takes four pages to tell!




Antonius Molin





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