Reflection for Thursday, April 6, 2017: 5th Week in Lent.
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Hoover, Amy
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Today we have the wonderful reading from Genesis about God making His covenant with Abraham and sealing it; claiming Abram, by changing his name to Abraham. God is promising faithfulness and asking for faithfulness in return. |When I read the Psalm and Gospel, I was reminded again of God's faithfulness and realized that I often project my struggle with faithfulness on to God and forget that God is always here. In desperation I sometimes plead with God – "Where are you?" or "Why aren't you hear?" I forget, sometimes, that God is God and always faithful. I may not take the time to see or hear or notice God's presence, but God is always and everywhere. Not only that, but God initiates my desire to love and be faithful and so is faithful in an even deeper way, kind of holding me up from within.|Jesus seems to be inviting me to withdraw my projections, my human struggles with faithfulness, trust, death, from Him and the Father. "Don't forget" he seems to be saying, "I Am." This is such a radical idea that the people tried to stone him. Can I trust in this radical idea?|Today, I hear an invitation to explore what I project on to Jesus and God when I forget that they are divine. Then, I need to pull those projections back and remember Jesus is "I Am," Love. Then, I need to trust in that love and faithfulness.
University Ministry, Creighton University.
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