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Creighton University Newspapers

Creighton University is a private Catholic and Jesuit comprehensive university founded in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1878. For over a century, Creighton's newspapers have reported significant aspects of student life at our institution. The University Archives has most issues of two Creighton newspapers, the Creighton Courier and the Creightonian, published between June 1912 and April 2009 available online.

The Creightonian

The first issue of the Creightonian came off the press in October 1922. The weekly student newspaper soon supplanted the Creighton Courier as the primary source of campus news. Today, the student-run Creightonian publishes a weekly print edition as well as an online version during the academic year. (The University Archives has archived the online version of the Creightonian since 2010 as part of a project to archive the university websites.)

Project Support and Development

The digitization of Creighton newspapers occurred in several stages, the most recent of which was completed in 2010. In most instances, digital images were created from original newspapers from University Archives permanent collections. Creighton University's Department of Journalism, Media and Computing generously shared print copies when archival issues were missing or damaged. When print copies were not available, microfilm was used to create the digital files. There are some issues of the two newspapers, especially the Creighton Courier, that are missing. We hope to be able to add these to the online database in the future. Please contact the University Archives if you have one of these missing issues.


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The online versions of Creighton University newspapers are available for research and educational purposes only. Copyright and other restrictions may apply. Users are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reprint, reproduce or make other uses of this material.